Having spent a long weekend in Spain last weekend (on which more in another post...), I headed to Cotham Landfill this morning, my first visit in two weeks. With 3 juv Glaucs and an Iceland Gull in the roost at Hoveringham for the last couple of nights, I had high expectations...
I quickly located a juv Glauc, and then the Iceland Gull. From a distance, the Iceland Gull looked like a juv as well, but on closer inspection it had a pale iris and grey mantle, so was a 2nd winter. However, I couldn't find any other white-wingers, making do with the 1st winter Caspian Gull that has been around now since at least the 6th. A kronking Raven added some non-larid interest.
Juv Glaucous Gull |
Juv Glaucous Gull |
2nd W Iceland Gull |
2nd W Iceland Gull |
2nd W Iceland Gull |
1st W Caspian Gull, doing the 'albatross long-call' |
I then headed to Collingham, which I last visited on the 15th. A Slavonian Grebe had been seen on 21st and 22nd, whilst I was away, but I wasn't really expecting it would still be present. Present it was, however, and showing closely along the southern shore of Ferry Lane Lake. Also present were two redhead Smew (and a pair of Goosander), whilst a Stonechat was at Mons Pool, where a small party of Golden Plover flew over - so four additions for PWC 2017.
Slavonian Grebe |
Redhead Smew |
Looks like there's some really fetid rubbish for the gulls to feed on there!