I hate that my gulling sessions are largely restricted to weekends; a visit to Cotham Landfill this morning was fairly typical for a Saturday, with few gulls on the tip and others loafing out of sight. Some interest came in the form of what was probably 3W Caspian Gull, but it was on view too briefly to confirm, and didn't reappear.
So off to the patch it was; after a brief visit on Thursday night (my first after-work visit of the year) where I added Little Grebe to my Patchwork Challenge yearlist, I added two more species today - Lesser Black-backed Gull and Oystercatcher. The latter was a hint at Spring, as was a Skylark singing briefly. The only other species of note was a redhead Smew on Ferry Lane Lake. After failing to get this species at Collingham in the last 3 years, I've now seen two (or the same one twice) this year...
Finally, a spin round Girton proved that the Great Northern Diver was still present, on the A1133 Pit. No wild swans though; there were lost of Mutes moving around today, and several flooded areas held birds, but there were no Whoopers anywhere to be found.
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