Big dip
To cut a long story short, I decided to go for the Bridled Tern on the Farnes yesterday. Quite why I left it so long I don't know, and quite why I chose to go after a day it hadn't been seen, I don't know either. I had a sense that it was a bad idea on the whole drive up, and so it proved to be; but hindsight is a wonderful thing. And the reason I didn't see the bird? It had relocated to the Isle of May in Scotland. Oh well, can't win 'em all. In fact, I can't remember the last time I dipped a big bird like this. With the benefit of hindsight, I should've gone to see the Caspian Tern in Staffs instead!
Inner Farne |
I'd like to say I had a lovely day out nonetheless; the Farnes are, of course, a great experience, but being stood on the pier on Inner Farne for nearly 3 hours meant I didn't get the whole experience, and really, it's the sort of thing to do as part of a long weekend or week-long trip to Northumberland, not as part of an eight-hour round trip in a single day.
Seal |
Juvenile Arctic Tern |
Adult Arctic Tern |
I did have one tick though; John Craven filming for Countryfile (Puffins being the subject, I believe).
John Craven |
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