Day 5 - 14th June
Leaving the Carpathians, we spent most of today in transit between
Bran and Tulcea; it was a long way, not aided by some very questionable
signposting (e.g. to the ferry across the Danube), but sightings front the car
saw us land a Black Stork and our
first Long-legged Buzzard of the
week, along with several Rollers and
Lesser Grey Shrikes.
We broke for lunch some way east of Bucharest, at Lake Ianca. This
proved to be a good decision, as it produced our only Dalmatian Pelicans of the week, with five in the heat haze, as well
as good selection of ducks including a Red-crested
Pochard and several Garganey, 4 Spoonbills and lots Black-winged Stilts and Bee-eaters.
4 of 5 Dalmatian Pelicans |
Back on the road, having found the ferry, we crossed to Smardan,
where Whiskered Terns, Pygmy Cormorants and Glossy Ibises were in evidence on the
river beyond, before finally reaching Tulcea, the 'gateway to the Danube', at
about 5pm (having left Bran at about 9am).
Day 6 - 15th June
Today was our big day – a cruise on the Danube Delta. We were
taken out by a local guide, Mihai Baciu, who owns his own boat and used to be a
ranger within the Delta, so he knew his stuff and is definitely recommended (see his website here). We travelled about 12km there
and 12km back, but barely scratched the surface of this amazing place which, at around
4000 square kilometres, is about twice the size of Nottinghamshire (which
is mind blowing); the scale of the habitat is incredible, and whilst we spent
most of our time cruising along channels lined by riverine forest, we also came
across reedbeds and lakes.
Canal Mila 35 |
I think this is Lacul cu Cotete |
More riverine forest and reed |
And the birds? Well, there was an almost constant movement of Squacco Herons and Night-herons overhead throughout the day, and I bagged my first
ever White Pelicans (with around 300
during the day including several large squadrons) and also finally caught up
with a Grey-headed Woodpecker – in
fact we saw around five, with more calling. Add to that Little Bittern, Spoonbill,
Pygmy Cormorant, Black Stork, Red-necked and Black-necked
Grebe, breeding Goldeneye (a
surprise), Garganey, Ferruginous Duck, White-tailed Eagle, Glossy
Ibis, Caspian Gull, Whiskered Tern, Cuckoo (very frequent), Roller
(frequent), Middle Spotted Woodpecker,
Black Woodpecker, dombrowskii Yellow Wagtail, Great Reed Warbler, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, Thrush Nightingale, Penduline Tit, Golden Oriole, Red-backed and
Lesser Grey Shrikes, and perhaps not
surprising that we clocked up 71 species without too much difficulty.
Grey-headed Woodpecker |
Pygmy Cormorant |
Night-heron |
We also jammed into an alleged Wildcat. I say alleged, as I was
far from convinced initially; it was sat on the bank and allowed close approach
in our boat, shaking it’s head (suggesting it had ear mites) and not looking
very lively. More to the point, it wasn’t at all well marked, although it did
have the jowly look of a Wildcat. However, it was in the same place on our
return, and this time was spooked by another boat, and when it turned, it
showed a nice bushy tail with a rounded black tip and no lateral stripe. A bit
of research indicates that Wildcats come in ‘forest’ and ‘steppe’ forms, the
former being stripy and well marked, and the latter much less so. I don’t know
which ones occur in the Delta, but some Googling did bring up images of Wildcats
which looked rather like ours -
assuming, of course they are correctly labelled. So who knows... It was a long
way from civilisation, but there were occasional fishing huts in the area, so I
guess it’s not unfeasible that feral cats or hybrids could be at large.
... a Wildcat?? |
Day 7 – 16th
We began today by going to Babadag Forest, to the south of Tulcea.
Another large site, it was difficult to know where to begin, but a few forays
into the trees produced Hawfinch, Nightingale, Woodlark, Middle and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, Wryneck and Wood Warbler, plus plenty of Red-backed
Shrikes in open areas. I was also pleased to pick out a singing Icterine Warbler, and a Lesser Spotted Eagle was our only one
of the trip. Butterflies included Assman’s Fritillary, Chestnut Heath and
Marbled White.
Babadag Forest |
Species-rich grassland within the forest |
Marbled White |
Heading south towards the coast, a nice Long-legged Buzzard cruised over the road before we reached Istria.
This was a productive site, although perhaps better earlier in the spring as
there was very little standing water. Best was at least two Paddyfield Warblers (this being a well
known spot for them), sitting out in the tops of the reeds in full song. Three Ruddy Shelduck were nice, as were more White Pelicans, Little and Great Bittern,
a Black-winged Pratincole with the Collareds, at least 5 Spanish Sparrows, a Savi’s Warbler, both feldegg and dombrowskii Yellow Wags,
and a Gull-billed Tern over. A few
Sousliks were the first of several we saw today.
Paddyfield Warbler |
Either a flava Yellow Wag or a dombrowskii - this bird was not as obvious as one seen in the Delta |
feldegg Yellow Wag, singing |
Souslik (very cute indeed) |
On to Vadu, we spent several hours birding the fantastic wetlands
here. The lagoons overlooked by a derelict (and in fact, never functioning)
industrial complex held Avocet, Black-winged Stilt, and a flock of
c.150 Little Gulls, whilst the
marshes further on produced Spotted
Redshank, Collared Pratincole, Purple Heron, Great Bittern, three Savi’s
Warblers, and a huge Common Tern
colony inside a raised tank, with Black,
Whiskered and Little Tern and Med Gull
also loafing there.
Wetlands at Vadu |
Part of the tern colony |
After some off-roading we reached the Black Sea, where a small party
of waders on the strandline included Redshank,
Greenshank, Sanderling, Kentish Plover
and Sandwich Tern – but no Pallas’s
Gulls unfortunately. A Stone-curlew
was further up the beach, and up to 10 superb Red-footed Falcons were hawking over the dunes behind, which also held some 'superciliaris'-type Yellow Wags (feldeggs with a yellowish supercilium), whilst in the sea itself was a small family party of dolphins feeding close inshore. Back towards
the main road, we encountered the amazing sight of thousands, perhaps millions,
of dragonflies over an area of arable crop – seemingly all Southern Migrant
A 'superciliaris'-type Yellow Wag |
The Black Sea |
Lots, and lots, of dragonflies |
Day 8 – 17th
So here it was, the last day’s birding of our trip. We began at
Celic-Dere Monastery, located in a large woodland area west of Tulcea, seeing Middle
Spotted Woodpecker well along with singing Icterine Warbler, Wood
Warbler and Red-breasted Flycatcher,
several Hawfinches, plus the ‘usual’
stuff (Red-backed Shrike, Golden Oriole, Corn Bunting, etc.). Best though was a Sombre Tit in an old orchard – a species I’d not had much hope of
seeing, so particularly pleasing.
Sombre Tit |
Nearby, we found the first of four Booted Eagles for the day, as well as singing Ortolan Bunting. Taking a road (which rapidly deteriorated into a
track) south from Niculitel via Valea Teilor, we encountered circling White Pelicans, another Icterine Warbler, more Woodlarks and a Tawny Pipit, plus a few Silver-washed and around 20 Marbled
Fritillaries, along with a Sloe Hairstreak.
White Pelicans |
Sloe Hairstreak |
Marbled Fritillary |
Finally reaching the main road again, we stopped midway between
Cerna and Greci, then taking a path east from the road across some steppe
habitat to view a rocky hillside (seemingly called Priopsea Hill). This random stop produced Woodchat Shrike, Tawny Pipit, Ortolan Bunting,
several Northern and a pair of Pied Wheatears. There were lots of
Graylings sheltering from the wind, as well as a couple of Great Banded and
Woodland Graylings.
Steppe habitat |
Heading back towards Tulcea, another random stop to view another
hillside four Long-legged Buzzards
and our only Stonechats of the week,
and we rounded things off by viewing an area of reedbed just east of Tulcea,
which in the space of 5 minutes produced 2 Little
Bitterns, a Purple Heron, 3 Pygmy Cormorants, a Savi’s Warbler, a Med Gull, several Whiskered
Terns, Black-winged Stilts and Great Reed Warblers, and a Bee-eater colony.
Day 9 – 18th
Today we were homeward bound. Random sightings from the car
included Roller (by this time a
species that didn't even get remarked upon anymore...), White Stork, Whiskered Tern,
Glossy Ibis, Squacco Heron and Night-heron.
And then it was back home, to swap these for Wood Pigeons, although a Red
Kite near Peterborough was one species absent in Romania!
My final tally for the week was 173 species (145 alone in the
Delta/Dobrogea), of which 5 were new for me (Dalmatian and Great White
Pelicans, Grey-headed Woodpecker,
Paddyfield Warbler and Sombre Tit); other possibilities which
eluded me were Ural Owl, White-backed Woodpecker, Pallas’s Gull, and most
disappointingly, Levant Sparrowhawk. Another day or two in Dobrogea would’ve
been good to do some more steppe-based birding (e.g. for wheatears and larks), track
down Levant Sprawk, and to do some more wetland birding (and maybe looking for
Pallas’s Gull on the Danube upriver of Tulcea...). Raptors were strangely thin on
the ground whilst based in Tulcea, but it was abnormally cool (low to mid 20s)
and rainy at times, which I guess didn't help.
Mountain scenery |
I cannot emphasise enough what a great birding destination Romania
is. Spain has always been my favourite European birding destination for sheer
diversity of species and habitats, but I think Romanian may just have knocked
it into second spot... So if you’re reading this and thinking of going, do it, and
if you've never considered Romania, then I hope this has given you some food for thought!
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