Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Redstarts in Sherwood - update

Earlier in the year myself and Carl made two visits apiece to Sherwood Forest NNR to survey for Redstarts (my visits were on 16th and 18th May and Carl's were on 5th and 19th May). Combining the results of these with incidental records made by Trevor Pendleton during invertebrate surveys, we produced an estimate of 16 territories at the site this spring - a good count based on recent form, but confirming in my mind that this species has been grossly under-recorded at this site over the last few years.

The majority of territories were in the north-western sector of the NNR, with a single bird in the north-east (Queen Oak Plantation), and four others outside the NNR to the west - one near Centre Tree and three in Blackpool Plantation (the latter recorded by Trevor). The records from Blackpool Plantation are interesting, and suggest Redstarts might occur more widely through Birklands West. Hopefully time and weather will permit an expanded survey next spring, perhaps also including Budby South Forest. If anyone is interested in helping out, please get in touch via notbirding@yahoo.co.uk!

Redstart territories in Sherwood NNR and environs in spring 2012

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