Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Of courser not

I got a lift with Carl this morning to go and see the Cream-coloured Courser in Herefordshire. Unfortunately I had a meeting in Newark first, which meant we didn't get on our way til quite late in the morning. It was therefore a bit frustrating to be about half way there and then get a message that the bird flew off high to the south-west at 11.40...

We turned around and headed for Harlow Wood, just south of Mansfield, where a Wood Warbler had been seen today - a Notts tick for both of us. The bird was singing and showing pretty well in the mixed wood just north of the garden centre at Portland College, sitting in the dead lower branches of the pines and trilling away, often interspersing this with a 'pee-oo pee-oo pee-oo' phrase and gliding between perches.

Wood Warbler at Harlow Wood

A nice bird, and some compensation for the Courser, but I know which I'd rather've seen given the option at the start of the day...


  1. Thanks for the rapid upload of information Nick, I'm going to try for this on my way home now!


    Steve T

  2. No problem Steve, hope you had success!

