Yesterday (3rd) saw more of the same for us on Unst; windy conditions meant a leisurely start, not helped by me 1. oversleeping, and then 2. forgetting my binoculars. We began at Valyie where there was a bit of shelter to be found, but not many birds - best were 2 Tree Pipits, 15 Skylark, and two each of Swallow and House Martin. We then went a bit off piste, walking out to the conifer plantation at Ungirsta, looking for more Parrot Crossbills. None were to be found (although 4 were there today!).
Burrafirth drew a complete blank for the first time, so we tried Houlland, this time walking down the burn from Scraefield. Yesterday's Locustella was seen again, and this time we had better views and got some shots, and we were happy it was a Gropper (despite the best efforts of a few people on Twitter later on suggesting it was a Lancy...). Also at Houlland was a Whinchat, and a single Pink over. A wonder back down to road to Baliasta produced a Little Bunting by the road (there had been three reported here yesterday) and a Yellow-brow by our cottage.
Grasshopper Warbler |
Grasshopper Warbler |
We tried to find some more shelter at Clingera, where there were 2 Redstarts, and we then spent some time dodging downpours before a visit to SHE where 2 Parrot Crossbills were still present (the other 3 having flown off earlier - although there were 4 at SHE and 2 at Halligarth during the day). A YBW also showed nicely.
A slightly bedraggled Redstart |
Parrot Crossbill |
Today (4th) was another late start - we didn't see much point in going out early in 50mph NW winds. A bash around Baliasta produced a smatter of birds, the best being a Little Bunting. It was more of the same at Valyie, although there was a Little Bunting in Norwick near Wilma's Cottage, and we wrapped things up at Skaw, where the Red-throated Pipit was still showing quite well, along with a Spotted Fly and Purple Sand.
Dunnock |
Spotted Fly |
Red-throated Pipit |
We finished the day with a twitch for the adult White-tailed Eagle which has been touring the islands and which has been tracked down to the Loch of Watlee this afternoon. A bit distant, but the first one of these I've seen in a long time.
White-tailed Eagle |
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